Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Week 2 Down Week 3 going strong whiskers is not as sick.

Feeling much better and starting to eat again the tumor like cyst sac is still on him but it has not grown. now eating up to 4-5 cups a day from his 1 cup. Being as cute as ever.

Week 2 is over only 6 more weeks to go I can do the whole set of reps 3x20 I feel like in two weeks I have come so far. I am growing stronger buffness is a short ways away. Not really :).
I have had to miss a day each week as a rest day I plan to make these up at the end adding a nother week to the program. Once I get better I will not miss a day. I have not missed a weight day just a cardio day actually 2 cardio days. So I am looking forward to finishing this and going to even more.
Today is week 3 day 2.