Ophelia Irene

Ophelia Irene of the Nubbelz
Ophelia is a sweet and not so sweet lady, we got her as a baby not to far from home and she has been our little sweetheart since then, I guess you could say it was nub at first sight. Right now Ophelia is 5 years old. She doe snot play well with other's and can be quite the witch ;) when she needs to be.

Tidbits about Opel

Ophelia's main nickname is Opel.

Ophelia's Likes: 
Ice cream
Tearing the stuffing from blankets and toys.
Sleeping in dogmade caves.

Ophelia's Dislikes:
Dombies (her name for Zombies that are of the dog sorts)
Most video games with Zombies and FPS's.

Rat-Terrier Breed
Ophelia likes to share this link about her breed with you.