Tuesday, October 30, 2012

5K ~The Weight is on!

The weight training I have little knowledge in what to do how to do it and where to begin to do it.
With that said I have had a sweet lady friend of my Dawn from Conquer Life find and share with me a very basic beginner's women strength training. I am please to say that I feel quite well about trying this and tomorrow being Wednesday is a good day to start as I plan on doing it three times a week.

The workout Plan
This is from shape magazine and it is very basic and with weights. I hurt myself trying to do S90 it was to fast and to much weight for me, Why I thought starting with this would be a grand idea I never will know. After all I am a woman I don't expect to understand me half the time either.

Tomorrow not only starts this new basic weight training, it is also my 5k (walk day) I have been sick but feel heaps better and foresee doing this. Not 100% here but I am sure I will do find as long as I do it I will be happy. I am not looking to beat my time from my previous 5k it was 58-59 mins. I say this because I am sore and sick but I am striving to do my best.
I have missed my little workouts and can't wait to ease back into it.